5 Best Free B2B Lead Generation Tools To Use In 2023

Are you looking for ways to generate leads for your B2B business, but don’t want to spend a lot of money on tools and resources? Don’t worry – there are plenty of excellent B2B lead generation tools available that are cheap to use. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to five of the best free B2B lead generation tools that you can start using in 2023.

From social media platforms to data enrichment tools, these resources will help you find and connect with potential customers and grow your business. So if you’re ready to take your lead generation efforts to the next level, read on to learn more about these fantastic free tools.

 Free B2B Lead Generation Tools To Use In 2023
 Free B2B Lead Generation Tools To Use In 2023

However, I can suggest some general principles to consider when looking for B2B lead generation tools:

Important Guidline

1. Identify your needs:Before you start searching for a tool, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. What are your goals for using the tool? What specific features and capabilities do you need?
2. Research and compare:Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start researching different tools that might meet your needs. Look for reviews and testimonials from other users, and compare the features and pricing of different options.
3. Consider the costs:Some B2B lead generation tools are free to use, while others charge a fee. Be sure to consider the costs of any tool you’re considering, and ensure that it fits within your budget.
4. Test the tool:Many B2B lead generation tools offer free trials or demos, which can be a good way to try out the tool and see if it meets your needs.
5. Choose a tool that is easy to use:Look for a tool that is intuitive and easy to use, as this will make it easier for you and your team to get up and running with it.

Benefits of using B2B Lead Generation Tools

Improved efficiency:

B2B lead generation tools can help you automate and streamline your lead generation efforts, allowing you to focus on other tasks and activities.

Increased reach:

Many B2B lead generation tools offer access to large databases of potential leads, which can help you expand your reach and find new customers.

Better targeting:

Many B2B lead generation tools allow you to specify certain criteria for your leads, such as industry, location, or size of company, which can help you target your efforts more effectively.

Enhanced data analysis:

Some B2B lead generation tools offer advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, which can help you understand your leads better and identify trends or patterns.

Improved collaboration:

Many B2B lead generation tools offer features that allow you to share leads and work with your team more efficiently, which can help improve collaboration and communication.


Snov.io is a web-based platform that provides a suite of tools for lead generation and email outreach. The platform includes features such as email finder, email verifier, and email drip campaigns, which can help users identify and communicate with potential leads, verify the accuracy of email addresses, and automate follow-up emails.

Snov.io also offers integrations with popular CRM (customer relationship management) and email marketing platforms, such as Salesforce and Mailchimp, to help users manage and track their outreach efforts.

Snov.io offers the following features:

  1. Email Finder: This tool allows users to search for email addresses associated with a particular domain or company.
  2. Email Verifier: This tool helps users verify the accuracy of email addresses, ensuring that emails will not bounce back or be marked as spam.
  3. Email Drip Campaigns: This tool allows users to automate follow-up emails, schedule emails in advance, and track the results of their outreach efforts.
  4. CRM Integration: Snov.io integrates with popular CRM platforms, such as Salesforce, to help users manage and track their outreach efforts.
  5. Email Marketing Integration: The platform integrates with email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp, to help users manage and track their email campaigns.
  6. Chrome Extension: Snov.io offers a Chrome extension that allows users to search for email addresses and verify them directly from their browser.
  7. API Access: The platform offers API access, which allows users to integrate Snov.io’s tools into their own applications and systems.


SalesQL is a sales qualification tool that helps sales teams identify and prioritize the best leads for their business. It uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze data from various sources, such as a company’s website, social media accounts, and CRM systems, to identify potential leads and score them based on their likelihood of becoming paying customers.

SalesQL can also provide insights and recommendations for sales reps to help them better understand and engage with their leads. It is designed to help sales teams save time and resources by focusing their efforts on the most promising leads and improve their overall sales conversion rates.

SalesQL may offer a range of features to help sales teams qualify and prioritize leads, such as:

  1. Lead scoring: SalesQL uses machine learning to analyze data from various sources and assign scores to leads based on their likelihood of becoming paying customers.
  2. Lead prioritization: SalesQL helps sales reps prioritize their efforts by identifying the leads that are most likely to close.
  3. Lead insights: SalesQL provides insights and recommendations for sales reps to help them better understand and engage with their leads.
  4. Lead generation: SalesQL can help sales teams generate new leads by analyzing data from a company’s website, social media accounts, and CRM systems.
  5. Customization: SalesQL can be customized to fit the specific needs and goals of a sales team, allowing them to set criteria for what makes a good lead and adjust the lead scoring algorithm accordingly.
  6. Integration: SalesQL can be integrated with a company’s CRM system and other sales tools, allowing sales reps to access and use the data and insights provided by SalesQL directly in their workflow.


Skrapp.io is a website that offers a tool for finding and collecting business email addresses. The tool allows users to search for email addresses using various criteria, such as company name, job title, and location.

It also offers a range of features for verifying and exporting the collected email addresses, including the ability to import and integrate with other email marketing or sales tools. Skrapp.io is marketed as a tool for sales and marketing professionals, and is designed to help them find and connect with potential leads and clients.

There are several potential benefits of using a tool like Skrapp.io to find and collect business email addresses:

Improved efficiency:

Skrapp.io can help sales and marketing professionals save time by automating the process of finding and verifying email addresses. This can allow them to focus on other important tasks, such as building relationships with potential clients and developing marketing strategies.

Enhanced accuracy:

Skrapp.io verifies the accuracy of the email addresses it collects, which can help ensure that marketing campaigns and sales outreach efforts are targeted and effective.

Greater reach:

By expanding the pool of potential leads and clients, Skrapp.io can help businesses reach a wider audience and potentially increase their revenue.

Increased productivity:

By streamlining the process of finding and collecting email addresses, Skrapp.io can help sales and marketing professionals be more productive and effective in their work.

Integration with other tools:

Skrapp.io can integrate with other email marketing or sales tools, which can help users manage their email lists and campaigns more efficiently.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for B2B lead generation, as it allows users to search for and connect with potential leads based on their industry, location, company size, and more. It also includes advanced features such as the ability to see who has viewed your profile and save and organize leads in customizable lists.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers a range of features designed to help users find and connect with potential leads:

1.. Advanced search:

Allows users to search for leads based on specific criteria, including industry, location, company size, and more.

2. Lead recommendations:

Suggests leads based on the user’s search history and profile.

3. InMail:

Allows users to send private messages to other LinkedIn users, even if they are not connected.

4. Lead lists:

Allows users to save and organize leads in customizable lists.

5. Profile views:

Shows users who has viewed their LinkedIn profile.


Hunter.io is a tool that helps users find and verify email addresses for potential leads. It can be used to search for email addresses associated with a specific domain or to find the email address of an individual based on their name and company. It also includes a feature that allows users to check the deliverability of an email address before sending a message.

Hunter.io offers the following features:

  1. Email search: Allows users to search for email addresses associated with a specific domain or find the email address of an individual based on their name and company.
  2. Email verification: Verifies the accuracy of an email address before sending a message.
  3. Email deliverability check: Tests the deliverability of an email address to ensure that messages are likely to be received.
  4. Bulk email verification: Allows users to verify multiple email addresses at once.


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